IITF 2022 concludes with promise of grander IITF 2023

B K Dubey, General Manager, Fair Division assured that the next IITF will be in a larger area from 73,000 sq. mtr. to 1,20,000 sq.mtr. exhibition area. Our Iconic convention centre will be ready with a plenary hall for 3000 people, and a multifunction hall for 4000 people. The participants can arrange seminars/conferences in the Conference Hall having a capacity of 900 persons. The Ambhi Theater will have a capacity of 3000 people and welcomes all States/UTs/Ministries/Govt. Bodies/Foreign Sector/Private companies to participate on a larger scale. The Awards for Excellence in Display were presented in different categories. Kerala won the Gold Medal, the Silver Medal was presented to Bihar and the Bronze Medal to Madhya Pradesh in the States and Union Territories category, Special Appreciation Certificates were also conferred to Odisha. In the Foreign Sector, Afghanistan was commended with the Gold Medal and Thailand won the Silver while the Bronze Medal was presented to Turkiye and Special Appreciation Certificate to Bahrain.


2220cookie-checkIITF 2022 concludes with promise of grander IITF 2023
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