Gramien’O: Nurturing Rural Roots to Create a Global Impact

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of local businesses and self-reliance. While the world was busy ordering products from global conglomerates, small businesses in India struggled to survive. However, with the government’s push for self-reliance and the rise of vocal for local, small businesses are now getting the recognition they deserve. One such business that deserves attention is Gramien’O.

The Origin of Gramien’O:

The idea for Gramien’O took shape during the COVID-19 lockdown. The founders wanted to contribute in whatever little way they could to help people in distress. They worked for destitute mothers of Vrindavan, migrant laborers going back home, families going through economic hardships, and raised funds for parents wanting to marry their daughters. During this period, they came across many self-help groups, especially those formed by women. They realized that these rural self-help groups were keen to contribute to their household income and could make many things. However, the real issue was to reach out to people who could buy.

The Journey of Gramien’O:

Gramien’O began with a walk – the Walk of Hope – for peace and interfaith harmony. It started from Kanyakumari and culminated in Srinagar, covering 7,500 km across 11 states. Led by Sri M, a spiritual guide, social reformer, and educationist, the walk inspired the founders of Gramien’O to nurture the seeds sown during the walk. They wanted to create a platform that would enable rural artisans and self-help groups to showcase their products to the world.

Nurturing Rural Roots for a Global Impact:

Gramien’O is a step towards nurturing rural roots to create a global impact. The brand’s name is a combination of two words – Gramien and O. Gramien means village, while O stands for global. The diya in the logo represents spreading light and prosperity to all stakeholders associated with the brand, while the tree symbolizes growth and the potential for expansion. Gramien’O aims to bring products from the heartland of India to people who are genuinely interested in the well-being of others beyond caste, creed, and religion.

The Creative Mind behind Gramien’O:

The founders believe that the products made in villages have a global appeal and acceptance.The team behind Gramien’O consisted of young professionals from diverse backgrounds, all united in their mission to create a sustainable business that could benefit not only themselves but also the community they lived in. Ankit Anand, the founder and head of business development, was an MBA graduate from Ramaih Institute of Technology in Bangalore with around 10 years of experience in corporate. He had worked as a sales executive in Religare for 2 years and 5 years in Hewlett Packard before deciding to venture into the world of startups.

Be Vocal for Local: Making Gramien’O a Global Brand

Gramien’O’s vision is to reach out to sensitive, well-traveled, and quality-conscious individuals who are genuinely interested in the well-being of others beyond caste, creed, and religion. The team wants to take their products to the world.

Gramien’O offers a range of products, including woodwork handicrafts, home decor, and accessories, all made by rural artisans and self-help groups. By promoting these products, Gramien’O is not only helping these artisans earn a livelihood but is also helping preserve India’s rich cultural heritage.

The Need to be Vocal about Local Startups:

Gramien’O is not just another startup. It is a startup from a tier 2 city, trying to make a difference in the world. The founders of Gramien’O believe that it is essential to be vocal about local startups and make them global. Small businesses like Gramien’O are the backbone of the Indian economy and need our support to grow. By promoting local startups, we are not just helping the entrepreneurs but also contributing to the growth of our country.

Gramien’O is an inspiring example of a startup that is trying to make a difference. It is a startup from a tier 2 city, promoting products made by rural artisans and self-help groups. By promoting these products, Gramien’O is not only helping these artisans earn a livelihood but also preserving India’s rich cultural heritage. It is essential to be vocal about local startups like Gramien’O and make them global. In doing so, we are not just helping entrepreneurs but also contributing to the growth of our country. Let us support local startups.

Click to buy Gramien”O products.

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