Unveiling Innovation and Growth: The 118th Annual Session of PHD Chamber of Commerce, Delhi, India


The PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry, one of India’s premier business associations, recently celebrated its 118th Annual Session, marking a significant milestone in its illustrious history. The event, held in Delhi, India, served as a platform for fostering innovation, promoting economic growth, and facilitating collaboration among industry leaders, policymakers, and entrepreneurs. In this article, we will delve into the highlights and key takeaways from the 118th Annual Session of PHD Chamber of Commerce.

Celebrating Over a Century of Excellence

The PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry has a rich legacy dating back to its establishment in 1905. Over the course of 118 years, it has played a pivotal role in shaping India’s economic landscape and advocating for the interests of businesses across various sectors. The annual session is an opportunity to celebrate this journey of growth and development.

Key Themes and Discussions

The 118th Annual Session focused on several critical themes and discussions that are relevant to India’s economic development and global competitiveness. Some of the key areas explored during the event included:

Innovation and Technology: Recognizing the pivotal role of innovation and technology in driving economic growth, the session emphasized the need for businesses to embrace digital transformation and innovation.

Sustainable Development: With growing environmental concerns, discussions centered on sustainability, clean energy, and responsible business practices to ensure a sustainable future.

Global Trade: Given India’s increasing participation in global trade, the event provided insights into international trade dynamics and opportunities for Indian businesses on the global stage.

Startups and Entrepreneurship: The session highlighted the importance of fostering entrepreneurship and supporting startups as drivers of economic growth and job creation.

Distinguished Speakers and Panelists

The 118th Annual Session of PHD Chamber of Commerce featured a lineup of distinguished speakers and panelists, including government officials, industry leaders, and experts in various fields. These thought leaders shared their insights and perspectives on the pressing issues facing Indian businesses today.

Policy Advocacy and Recommendations

One of the significant roles of the PHD Chamber of Commerce is advocating for policies that promote business growth and economic development. During the annual session, the chamber presented policy recommendations to government officials, addressing key challenges and proposing solutions to fuel economic growth and innovation.

Networking Opportunities

The event offered ample networking opportunities for attendees, fostering collaboration and partnerships among businesses, policymakers, and entrepreneurs. These connections are instrumental in driving economic development and opening doors to new opportunities.

Acknowledging Excellence

As part of the annual session, the PHD Chamber of Commerce also recognized outstanding contributions and achievements by individuals and organizations in various sectors. These awards celebrate excellence and inspire others to strive for innovation and success.


The 118th Annual Session of PHD Chamber of Commerce, Delhi, India, was a resounding success, bringing together industry leaders, policymakers, and entrepreneurs to discuss critical issues, share insights, and promote economic growth and innovation. As India continues to navigate the evolving global business landscape, the chamber remains a steadfast advocate for businesses, offering a platform for collaboration and policy advocacy. The event exemplified the chamber’s commitment to fostering innovation and sustainable economic development in India, laying the foundation for a brighter future for businesses and entrepreneurs in the country.

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